“Working with The Hygiene Bank based at Windfall has helped us to access vast amounts of new donated stock, all of which were item’s we were previously purchasing at huge cost to the foodbank. We’ll save more than £30,000 this year alone! Every penny of which can be reinvested into our work helping the most vulnerable people in the community.”
- Jackie Dickinson (Warehouse Manager, The Bay Foodbank).
“The Nourish Store is only sustainable through donations. As little as 5% of our monthly donations are non-food, personal hygiene products are the forgotten essentials. Good hygiene contributes to good well-being and a positive social outlook. Without the support of The Hygiene Bank based at Windfall we would be unable to provide a constant range of personal hygiene products to the local community.” - Joanne Scorer (Nourish Food Lead, Cedarwood).
“Walking With in North Tyneside is so happy to work with The Hygiene Bank hosted by Windfall.
The goods we receive are so important to our service users. As Asylum Seekers the money they receive from the Home office is only £49.18 per week, which does not go far, hygiene products are items they do without to save money. By providing them with these items from The Hygiene Bank enables them to feel more confident and hygienic, whilst also improving their self-esteem and confidence. We support over 460 service users, just a little help makes a huge difference to their lives.
Thank you for your ongoing support.”
- Joan Hoult (Chief Executive, Walking With in North Tyneside).